Yes, I wonder why it has taken so much time, but not really, for everyone to embrace cloud.
Can you find any decent, up to date, article online arguing that buying og building your own hardware, data center and software from the ground up is the best option for security? No (or enlighten me please!). And that is because there are no longer a such case I argue. We have in history learned from each other, and moved forward to a global digital world, based on years of collaboration. Even hardware resources and chemicals to make them are mined/shared/sold for everyone to get access globally. Why am I saying this, you may ask. Well it is because we must not trust but verify, what we need to do to make our data secure, and forget about if trust can make that happen for us by outsourcing HW, SW, development and services to foreign countries manufacturers, MSPs, cloud, or whatever. How do we do that, well we educate and build expertise to make that happen. And I don’t mean just read paper. Doing rather. Not just to make what we use securely, but to contribute with what we learn, experience, collaborate and argue to improve.
NCSC brings out a great analogy about the rental car and the owned “customized” car. Check it out here.